What writing need of yours may I fill?
What writing need of yours may I fill?

Live Tottenville history
in this first book in a series
looking ​at Tottenville
from a global perspective.
Available on Amazon in
Kindle - Print Edition
Free on Kindle Unlimited
Hear Tottenville history
on Audible
Doug Eisengrein, a Tottenville native
and professional narrator, tells the story of Tottenville
with passion.
Honored to have my book 17th Century Tottenville History Comes Alive included on the
Indie Spotlight: A Roundup of World and Military History Titles from Self-Published Authors on Publisher’s Weekly.

About Angie includes:
- ​my writing resume.
- contact - how to reach me or join my mailing list
- testimonials from those who know my work.
- ​links to a few of my online publications & some SI Register newspaper articles.
Book Reviews Guidelines
- Explanation of my reviewing process.
- Submission information for authors.
- Donation Button in consideration of hours involved in reading, reviewing, & promoting books.
- Critique service information for unpublished manuscripts.
Book Reviews Blog shares reviews on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.
Tottenville History Blog makes the history of Tottenville come alive.
Books by Angie Mangino includes books with contributions from me, as well as those I've authored.